Dandelion seeds blowing in the wind across a summer field background, conceptual image meaning change, growth, movement and direction.

High quality natural mattresses

from german production

Logo qul
GOLS General
25 Jahre Baumberger
Logo gots
Peta vegan award homeware logo red

Certificates at the highest level

Act locally, change globally!

We try to understand and respect the cycles on this planet. Today, globalization is linked to economic networking rather than global thinking. We want to contribute to a sustainable global economy.

That is why we source our materials largely from organic production since 1993, when we first manufactured products from certified organic cotton and thus became trendsetters in the industry.

In 1996, Baumberger was one of the world’s first mattress manufacturers that was certified according to the “EKO sustainable textile standard” at the time.

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You will find three quality seals on Baumberger productions!

The meaning and which conditions must be met in order to obtain them, here briefly explained:
(Abbreviations: kbA = controlled biological cultivation / kbT = controlled biological animal husbandry)

GOTS = Global Organic Textile Standard

made with certified organic latex
CU 829528

Logo gots

Requirements for using the GOTS label

  • There are two label levels:
    Label level 1 (kbA / kbT) = 95% of the product must consist of kbA / kbT natural fibers.
    Label level 2 (hergestellt mit kbA / kbT) = at least 70% must come from kbA / kbT
  • All production sites along the textile chain, including the final production, must be GOTS certified
  • GOTS requires strict environmental and social criteria, petrochemical and genetic engineering substances are prohibited. That is why GOTS products are free of pollutants for people and the environment and ensure fair working conditions
  • Pay attention to the license number of the manufacturer below the GOTS label, because without a license number the product or the production is not certified

GOLS = Globale Organic Latex Standard


Made with certified organic latex
CU 829528

Requirements for using the GOLS label

  • Natural latex must be certified organic, synthetic latex is not allowed. If mixed with other materials (such as coconut fibers), they must be certified
  • GOLS is based on the GOTS, therefore the above points 2–4 are just as integral to the GOLS criteria. Also pay attention to the license number below the label
  • Further textile components in the mattress must be 95 % kbA / kbT certified.

QUL = Quality association environmentally friendly latexmattresses

Certified by
QUL Certificate 029A

Logo qul

Requirements for using the QUL label

  • Natural latex must be pollutant controlled according to QUL guidelines, synthetic latex is not allowed
  • Other materials in the mattress must be made of natural substances tested for harmful substances, if available on the market from kbA / kbT
  • Only products listed at the QUL are allowed to carry the label.

If you have questions, contact us!

Tel.: +49 2502 4833301

Schöne Pusteblume

Vitamines for healthy sleep

As the comfort of nature envelops you, you will experience how beneficial ecologically produced materials are for a good night’s sleep. For our customer’s benefit we process our raw materials in our own factory wherever possible. So you can be certain that the bespoke bed you receive is made from guaranteed renewable sources.

Sie interessieren sich für Baumberger Matratzen und möchten einfach mal erkunden, welche Baumberger Matratze für Sie geeignet sein könnte? Oder Sie suchen eine Matratze für Ihr Kind, für Angehörige oder Freunde? Dieser Online Matratzenfinder bietet Ihnen die Möglichkeit, ganz in Ruhe, ein individualisiertes, auf Ihre Bedürfnisse abgestimmtes, Suchergebnis zu erzielen. Alle eingegebenen Daten werden nicht gespeichert und dienen ausschließlich Ihren eigenen Zwecken. Für Fragen oder Anregungen zu dem Matratzenfinder oder auch für eine unverbindliche und kostenfreie telefonische Beratung steht Ihnen Herr Uesbeck (Entwicklung und Vertrieb der Baumberger Produkte) gerne unter 02502 4833301 zur Verfügung.

[Mehr Informationen]

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ab EUR

inkl. 19 % USt zzgl. Versandkosten

Vielen Dank für die Nutzung des Baumberger Matratzenfinders!

Sie erhalten in aller Regel 4 Matratzenvorschläge. Sollten Sie bei der näheren Auswahl der richtigen Matratze dennoch unsicher sein, helfen wir Ihnen gerne durch ein persönliches Beratungsgespräch per Telefon. Hierzu können Sie uns gerne kostenfrei und unverbindlich anrufen unter 02502 4833301. Eine fachmännisch kompetente Beratung ist teilweise nicht zu ersetzen. Unser Ziel ist es, genau die, auf Ihre Individuellen Bedürfnisse abgestimmte Matratze herauszufiltern!