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High quality natural mattresses

from german production

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GOLS General
25 Jahre Baumberger
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Peta vegan award homeware logo red

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Icon matratze


Already for more than 25 years we stand for ecological mattresses made of natural materials and want to offer you a healthy sleep.

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Baumberger slatted frames are all metal-free, even if they are supplied with height-adjustable head, or back and foot sections.

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Comfortably soft surrounded and carefree sleep in pure natural fibers from organic production.

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In addition to our natural mattresses and bedding, we offer high-quality mattress toppers.

Peta vegan award homeware logo red 1

Outstanding award from PETA!

The animal welfare organization PETA Germany presents a wide variety of awards every year, including the PETA Home Award. We are delighted to have received this year’s PETA Home Award with a classic from the Baumberger Classic collection! The Baumberger PiuMa Solo mattress emerged as the only and best product from the PETA test in the mattress category. We would like to thank the probably largest animal welfare organization in Germany for this outstanding award.

Here is the evaluation:

With its ‘PiuMa Solo natural latex mattress’, Baumberger impressively demonstrates that sustainable and vegan living is possible at any time. A vegan home is not only good for the animals, but also for people and the environment. We hope that many other companies and designers will follow this pioneering example and also design their collections to be purely plant-based and free from animal materials. PETA congratulates them on winning the Vegan Homeware Award 2024 in the ‘Best Mattress’ category!

Harald Ullmann, co-founder and 2nd chairman of PETA Germany

Welcome to Baumberger

Sleep comfort of nature

We spend about a third of our life in bed. A restful sleep is therefore of great importance for our well-being and our health.

Our organism collects new energy for the day and regenerates the cells. So do not sleep anywhere, but choose the most natural environment possible.

For over 25 years, the Baumberger Mattress Manufactory stands for highest and natural sleeping comfort. As a mattress manufacturer, we have always been committed to providing you with the restful sleep your body needs to cope with everyday life. Therefore, we produce for you high quality ecological products that meet every demand. Let yourself be inspired by our wide selection of mattresses and bedding products and convince yourself of our traditional and sustainable manufacturing process.

Baumberger natural latex mattresses are QUL certified!

Our mattress production guarantees you high quality German quality products!

On the following pages we inform you extensively about our natural mattresses and bedding. We are happy to assist you in choosing the right mattress or to arrange dealer addresses in your area.

Talk to us under the telephone number +49 2502 4833301 or use the contact form.

We look forward to your inquiry!

Neue naturmatratze

High quality natural mattresses
Made in Germany

On the following pages you can find detailed information about our natural mattresses and bedding. Of course, we will be happy to help you personally choose the right mattress or provide you with dealer addresses in your area.

You can reach us by phone at Tel.: +49 2502 4833301, by e-Mail at info@baumberger.eu and via the contact form.

We look forward to your inquiry!

What distinguishes natural mattresses from conventional mattresses?

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Allergy friendly

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Pollutant controlled

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Ecologically certified raw materials

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Breathable materials

Icon lebensdauer

Long life

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Our mattresses are produced with the highest standards Made in Germany.

Only the best quality materials find their way into our production, because we stand for sustainable ecological standards. Our certificates and our long-standing success testify to our pioneering position as a natural mattress manufacturer.

Selectes materialsfor the most restful sleep and best lying comfort

For our mattress production we use the choicest natural materials, which we source from all over the world, in order to offer you the optimal sleeping comfort.

In order to achieve maximum lying comfort, we harmoniously combine the materials in our collections.

These include, for example:

  • Natural latex
  • Horsehair
  • Deshi cotton from organic farming
  • Coconut fiber

We will be happy to provide you with further information at any time.

Please contact us!

Schöne Pusteblume

Vitamines for healthy sleep

As the comfort of nature envelops you, you will experience how beneficial ecologically produced materials are for a good night’s sleep. For our customer’s benefit we process our raw materials in our own factory wherever possible. So you can be certain that the bespoke bed you receive is made from guaranteed renewable sources.

Sie interessieren sich für Baumberger Matratzen und möchten einfach mal erkunden, welche Baumberger Matratze für Sie geeignet sein könnte? Oder Sie suchen eine Matratze für Ihr Kind, für Angehörige oder Freunde? Dieser Online Matratzenfinder bietet Ihnen die Möglichkeit, ganz in Ruhe, ein individualisiertes, auf Ihre Bedürfnisse abgestimmtes, Suchergebnis zu erzielen. Alle eingegebenen Daten werden nicht gespeichert und dienen ausschließlich Ihren eigenen Zwecken. Für Fragen oder Anregungen zu dem Matratzenfinder oder auch für eine unverbindliche und kostenfreie telefonische Beratung steht Ihnen Herr Uesbeck (Entwicklung und Vertrieb der Baumberger Produkte) gerne unter 02502 4833301 zur Verfügung.

[Mehr Informationen]

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Ihre persönliche Matratzenauswahl

Basierend auf den von Ihnen angegebenen Daten passen die folgenden Matratzen gut zu Ihnen.
Bitte beachten Sie, dass die Auswahl der passenden Matratzen genauer wird, umso mehr Daten Sie angeben!


ab EUR

inkl. 19 % USt zzgl. Versandkosten

Vielen Dank für die Nutzung des Baumberger Matratzenfinders!

Sie erhalten in aller Regel 4 Matratzenvorschläge. Sollten Sie bei der näheren Auswahl der richtigen Matratze dennoch unsicher sein, helfen wir Ihnen gerne durch ein persönliches Beratungsgespräch per Telefon. Hierzu können Sie uns gerne kostenfrei und unverbindlich anrufen unter 02502 4833301. Eine fachmännisch kompetente Beratung ist teilweise nicht zu ersetzen. Unser Ziel ist es, genau die, auf Ihre Individuellen Bedürfnisse abgestimmte Matratze herauszufiltern!