Dandelion seeds blowing in the wind across a summer field background, conceptual image meaning change, growth, movement and direction.

High quality natural mattresses

from german production

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25 Jahre Baumberger
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Baumberger Mattresses

Conviction and passion…

It takes years of experience and expertise in ergonomic design to create bedding products such as the BaumbergerPremium Collection. The very first Baumberger Ergozone mattress was developed 20 years ago, since then we have put all our efforts into perfecting it further.

At Baumberger we strive to offer our clients the very best, in terms of sustainable production processes, certified organic sources and ergonomic considerations in design and materials.

Ergonomics is a term often associated with the work environment and office spaces. However, it is just as important in the bedroom: An ergonomically designed chair or desk can prevent back problems and this is true for an ergonomic mattress, too.

An optimised ergonomic, horizontal support of the spine helps to stretch the spinal discs and gives your back the opportunity to ‘recharge’.

Hopefully you spend more time in your bed than at your desk.

Our products

Ergo Zone Kern


Natural Latex Mattress

Ergo-Zone offers superior lowering properties in the shoulder area. The special burling surface gently massages the shoulders and improves circulation, which makes numb arms a thing of the past. The hip-zone with elevated segments react very flexibly to pressure, without creating surface tension or losing support power. Both covers are knitted to add elasticity. The quilting layer is customised to support each individual zone of the core. Ergo-Zone is offered in three firmness options and is therefore tailored to fit any individual preference and requirement.

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  • Highly appropriate for side-sleeping position
  • Body weight up to 65 kg – soft, up to 85kg – medium, up to 100 kg – firm
18328803 rein pflanzlich zertifikat
Pure vegetal (for quilted cover A)

15 cm 100 % Natural Latex Foam, Zone-Core, QUL, soft, medium, firm, extra firm

Quilted Cover A
100 % Cotton kbA GOTS, Double Jersey

Quilting Layer A
100 % Cotton kbA GOTS, 300g/m²

Quilted Cover B
100 % Cotton kbA GOTS, Velveteen

Quilting Layer B
100 % Pure New Wool kbA GOTS, 450g/m²

100 % Cotton kbA GOTS, Tricot, with quadruple zip

Inside Sleeve
100 % Cotton kbA GOTS, Tricot

17 cm

at 100 × 200 cm 28 kg


Einsinktiefe 9

We offer various sizes – visit the Baumberger!

Ergo Zone Premium Kern

Ergo-Zone Premium

Natural Latex Mattress

This Baumberger high-end product comes with an 18 cm thick zoned natural latex core made from one mould! Through the horizontal channels in the shoulder and hip area of the core, the lowering adaptability as well as breathability are improved: Shoulder and hip can penetrate into the mattress without sinking too low, it gives optimal support to the whole body. Cover A is machine washable at 40 °C. Cover B is soft and comfortable with temperature regulating properties, through the woollen quilting layer. The ergonomic adaptability combined with superior support of the body gives this mattress the edge over other similar products as it is suitable for light weight as well as heavier people-This is premium sleep-comfort quality.

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  • Highly appropriate for side-sleeping position.
  • Body weight up to 85 kg – medium, up to 110 kg – firm
18328803 rein pflanzlich zertifikat
Pure vegetal (for quilted cover A)

18 cm 100% Natural Latex Foam Zone-Core, QUL, medium and firm

Quilted Cover A
100% Cotton kbA GOTS, Double Jersey,

Quilting Layer A
100% Cotton kbA GOTS, 300g/m2

Quilted Cover B
100% Cotton kbA GOTS, Velveteen

Quilting Layer B
100 % Pure New Wool kbA GOTS, 450g/m²

100 % Cotton kbA GOTS, Tricot, with quadruple zip

Inside Sleeve
100 % Cotton kbA GOTS, Tricot

20 cm

at 100 x 200 cm 32 kg


Einsinktiefe 10

We offer various sizes – visit the Baumberger Shop!

Ergo Balance



Solid, strong locally sourced beech wood is the main material for the Ergo-Balance bed. The magic of slat suspension creates incredible spring action, by simply resting firm slats on an elastic surface. The special feature of this system is the slats literally hover on the frame, moving freely even to the sides. This gives them a movement range of about 5 cm, providing an optimum contour, responding to the shifting planes of your body in every sleeping position. The Ergo-Balance mattress offers a flexible, free moving shoulder comfort zone, which is particularly comfortable and noticeable in the side-sleeping position. Ergo-Balance is easy to repair, free of metal or synthetic materials and is made without glued elements.

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  • Highly appropriate for side-sleeping position
  • Body weight up to 125 kg

8,5 cm 100 % Beech-Solid, fixed, back height adjustable, back-foot height adjustable

100 % Solid Beech-Wood

Elastic Straps
100 % Natural Rubber

Fabric Bands
100 % Cotton

11 cm

at 100 × 200 cm 23 kg (fixed)

We offer varios sizes – visit the Baumberger Shop!

Ergo Arvenso B2

Ergo-Arvenso Z and Ergo-Arvenso B

Zirben plate slat grid

Full flexibility, the body is literally scanned by sensors. This is the attribute of the so-called plate slatted frames. The raw material for the plates of the Ergo-Arvenso Z is pine wood (pinus cembra). The essential oils of the Alpine pine are known and proven to have a calming effect.

In the Ergo-Arvenso B variant, untreated beech wood is milled into plates. Solid beech wood also serves as a frame and substructure in every version. Solid wood fittings are also used for the back and foot elevation. This means that Ergo-Arvenso is completely metal-free and glued wood-free!

The ergonomic properties of the Ergo-Arvenso are enormous. 72 plates are flexibly mounted and offer perfect adjustment and pressure relief, especially in the shoulder and hip area. Compared to conventional slatted frames, where slats run from left to right, the plate construction means that a significantly higher level of point elasticity is noticeable. With two Ergo-Arvenso lying next to each other, there is no noticeable transition from one frame to the other.

Both variants are also available with motorized adjustment upon request.

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  • Ideally suited for lateral position,
  • Body weight up to 110 kg

7 cm 100 % solid beech wood, untreated, rigid or back-foot elevated, metal-free

72 pieces, at 90 × 200 cm
Ergo-Arvenso Z: 100 % solid alpine pine wood (pinus cembra), untreated
Ergo-Arvenso B: 100 % solid beech wood, untreated

Spring elements
High quality elastomer plastic

12,5 cm

at 100 × 200 cm 23 kg

We offer various sizes – visit the Baumberger Shop!

Your body will thank you – discover the Premium-Collection!

If you have any questions, please contact: Tel.: +49 2502 4833301

Sie interessieren sich für Baumberger Matratzen und möchten einfach mal erkunden, welche Baumberger Matratze für Sie geeignet sein könnte? Oder Sie suchen eine Matratze für Ihr Kind, für Angehörige oder Freunde? Dieser Online Matratzenfinder bietet Ihnen die Möglichkeit, ganz in Ruhe, ein individualisiertes, auf Ihre Bedürfnisse abgestimmtes, Suchergebnis zu erzielen. Alle eingegebenen Daten werden nicht gespeichert und dienen ausschließlich Ihren eigenen Zwecken. Für Fragen oder Anregungen zu dem Matratzenfinder oder auch für eine unverbindliche und kostenfreie telefonische Beratung steht Ihnen Herr Uesbeck (Entwicklung und Vertrieb der Baumberger Produkte) gerne unter 02502 4833301 zur Verfügung.

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ab EUR

inkl. 19 % USt zzgl. Versandkosten

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Sie erhalten in aller Regel 4 Matratzenvorschläge. Sollten Sie bei der näheren Auswahl der richtigen Matratze dennoch unsicher sein, helfen wir Ihnen gerne durch ein persönliches Beratungsgespräch per Telefon. Hierzu können Sie uns gerne kostenfrei und unverbindlich anrufen unter 02502 4833301. Eine fachmännisch kompetente Beratung ist teilweise nicht zu ersetzen. Unser Ziel ist es, genau die, auf Ihre Individuellen Bedürfnisse abgestimmte Matratze herauszufiltern!